On June 18th, Youth INC NYC hosted its annual State of the Market Conference, a fundraising event that attracts more than 250 hedge fund, private equity, and other investment professionals in order to give information about various financial leaders as well as raise critical funds for the program.
This year marked the nonprofit’s 8th consecutive Market Conference, and was located at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The event raised about $650,000 for Youth INC and its other nonprofit partners, making this year the most successful Conference the organization has had.
Youth INC’s mission is to “improve the lives of youth through a unique venture philanthropy model that empowers, develops, and educates nonprofit organizations serving young people,” (Youthinc-usa.org). Founded in 1995 by Steve Orr, the organization aims to address the needs of various nonprofit organizations through holistic approaches regarding improving fundraising practices and funding various elements of infrastructure. Its partnerships with other nonprofit organizations give Youth INC the ability to empower philanthropies that support NYC’s youth with sustainable growth.
Steve Orr, former Goldman Sachs investment banker teamed up with Jim Duffy, former ABC President, after observing that nonprofit organizations tend to struggle with resources and organizational structure upon growth. The two concluded that by reaching out to large corporations and business leaders these nonprofits could get the funds they need to serve children in need in New York City.
To learn more about Youth INC and potentially donate to the nonprofit, check out their website here.